Vascular Surgery

Vascular Surgeon needed in Vancouver

Job description

Assignment Description - Vascular Surgeon needed for 1-3 weeks of coverage on an ongoing basis while they conduct permanent recruitment efforts. CALL TODAY for ADDITIONAL DETAILS!

Location Description - The Ilchee Monument, located at on the Columbia River Renaissance Trail, honors a 19th century native who, according to lore, had the power of a Sign up or sign in for contact information Here
Nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Cascade Mountains, on the north bank of the Columbia River, Vancouver USA is as naturally beautiful as it is diverse. No other city in the Pacific Northwest offers such a combination of colorful history, recreational activities, charming shops, extraordinary eateries, a burgeoning wine region, affordable attractions, and charming hospitality.

  • Travel, Lodging and Medical Malpractice Provided
  • Wonderful Location

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