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National Emergency Tele-Critical Care Network

LocumTenens.com Supports Government’s Response to the COVID-19 Crisis, Provides Telemedicine Physicians

LocumTenens.com is proud to help support the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command's (USAMRDC) Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) by providing physician staffing services. TATRC is tasked with the rapid development, deployment and testing of the National Emergency Tele-Critical Care Network (NETCCN).

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The purpose of NETCCN is to ensure there is an adequate number of medical professionals equipped to provide care via telemedicine during times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us we need to be prepared to respond to widespread emergent situations as quickly as possible,” says Matt Hall, Vice President of Telehealth at LocumTenens.com. “Telehealth adoption skyrocketed early in the pandemic as a way for physicians and advanced practitioners to provideremote care safely to patients. TATRC understands the critical role telemedicine hasplayed during this time and wants to ensure it can rapidly develop and deploy clinical expertise and support as needed in the future via telehealth. LocumTenens.com is proud to contribute to the success of TATRC’s NETCCN program and is committed to help it grow in the coming years.”

NETCCN is a cloud-based, low-resource, stand-alone health information management system. It has the ability to create countless virtual critical care wardsand is already being used to alleviate the strain the pandemic has placed on the healthcare system. Current efforts being made to enhance the network include medical device interoperability for both ventilators and infusion pumps and increasing support for future emergency situations.